The South African
Military History Society

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Krygshistoriese Vereniging

Military History Journal
Vol 15 No 6 - December 2012

OBITUARY: Geoffrey Temple Corah Mangin 1918-2012

It is with great sorrow that we announce the sudden passing of fellow-member Geoffrey Mangin, shortly before his 94th birthday in September. Geoffrey Temple Corah Mangin was born on 5 September 1918. He was actively involved on the technical side of the implementation and application of RADAR in South Africa and 'up North' during the Second World War (1939-1945). Geoff's contribution to war-time RADAR as far north as the Mediterranean is well-documented in Peter Brain's book on the Special Signal Services (SSS), South African RADAR in World War II. In spite of his age, Geoff remained committed, to the end, to promoting the activities and historiography of the SSS. He was usually found typing away on his computer keyboard in his flat at Rosedale, recording history, doing research or answering queries regarding the activities and erstwhile members of the SSS.

For many years, Geoff used his technical expertise to support the activities of the Cape Town Branch of the South African Military History Society. In earlier years, he rigged up a radio/cassette combination with which he recorded the monthly lectures on cassette tapes. Because of his own hearing disability, he typically turned up the volume to excruciating levels on the premise that, if not loud enough for him to hear, the rest of the audience were unlikely to hear! I wonder how many committee members still remember watching with bated breath while Geoffrey twiddled the volume knob at the start of every meeting ...

We honour his memory, his legacy and his selfless contribution to the Cape Town Branch of the South African Military History and to the history of the SSS. On behalf of the Society, we express our sincerest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to his family and close friends and acquaintances. Geoff will be sorely missed.

Johan van den Berg
Cape Town Branch, South African Military History Society

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