The South African
Military History Society

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Krygshistoriese Vereniging

Military History Journal
Vol 1 No 1 - December 1967

A Word About the Society

The South African Military History Society was formed in October, 1966, following upon an appeal from Commandant-General H.B. Klopper, S.S.A., D.S.O., to South Africans to take an interest in South Africa's military history, which he said, dates back to the time of the Dutch East India Company.

Its objects are to help further the interests of students of military history and collection of militaria. Also to encourage research into the history, traditions, uniforms, badges and other historical aspects of the armed forces of Southern Africa. To a lesser extent those of other countries are included. For Membership the entrance fee is R1.00 and the annual subscription is R3.00 payable upon application.

An Application for Membership form will be found as a looseleaf insert in this issue.

This should be completed as required and returned together with the relevant remittance to the Secretary of the Society, c/o P.O. Box 90, Saxonwold, Transvaal.

A directory of members, indicating the specific interests of individuals is issued free upon joining the Society, and amendments will be notified from time to time through the medium of this Journal.

The Society hopes to become affiliated to other Societies having similar interests, and thus to exchange Journals and other research information with them. These include:

It is hoped to establish Branch committees in the major centres in the Republic. These, it is anticipated, will be largely self-governing, and the first of them is already in existence at Bloemfontein, the address being c/o Hon. Secretary, (Mr. Hugh Corbel), 91 Deale Road, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein, O.F.S.

'n Woordjie Omtrent die Vereniging

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Krygshistoriese Vereniging is in Oktober 1966 gestig na 'n beroep deur Kommandant-Generaal H.B. Klopper, S.S.A., D.S.O., op Suid-Afrikaners om belangstelling in Suid-Afrika se militere gesliedenis wat, soos hy gese het, terugdateer na die tyd van die Hollands Oos-Indiese Maatskappy.

Die doelstellings van die Vereniging is om die belange van studente van militere geskiedenis en versamelarrs van militaria te bevorder. Verder om navorsing aan te moedig na die geskiedenis, tradisies, unifornis, ordetekens en ander historiese aspekte van die gewapende magte van Suidelike Afrika. Tot 'n mindere mate word die van ander lande ingesluit.

Vir lidmaatskap is die toelatingsgeld R1.00 en die inskrywingsgeld is R3.00 per jaar. 'n Aansoekvorm om lidmaatskap, word hierby ingesluit.

Hierdie vorm moet voltooi en teruggestuur word saam met die betrokke bedrag aan die Sekretaris van die Vereniging, P/a Posbus 90, Saxonwold, Transvaal.

'n Gids van lede, met vermelding van hul spesifieke belangstellings, word gratis aan lede uitgereik na toetrede tot die Vereniging en wysigings sal van tyd tot tyd deur medium van hierdie joernaal bekendgemaak word.

Pogings sal aangewend word om geaffilieer te word met ander Verenigings met soortgelyke belange, om sodoende joernale en ander navorsingsinligting met hulle uit te ruil.
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