The South African
Military History Society
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Krygshistoriese Vereniging
History of the Society - PROSPECTUS
Documents from the archives
This publication is issued to those interested in the S.A.
Military History Society.
The aims of the Society are the following:
(a) To promote study and research into the history of the
armed forces of the world throughout the ages.
(b) To promote the publication of, and research into, the
histories of the armed forces of Southern Africa.
(c) To promote mutual assistance among collectors of all types
of items appertaining to the armed forces of the world and
to assist in their researches.
(d) To hold and/or to assist in and/or to encourage the
holding of meetings and exhibitions and/or to collect
objects of military interest relevant to the aforegoing
(e) To publish a journal containing items relevant to the
aforegoing aims.
The Society holds monthly meetings at its headquarters in
Johannesburg. Speakers, who are experts on their subjects are in-
vited to address these meetings. A co-ordinated programme has been
compiled for 1968 and the talks are all centred around some aspect
of 19th century South African military history. For the benefit of
away members the speakers are being requested to supply copies of
their talks for publication in the journal.
Societies with similar or relevant aims to those of the
S.A.M.H.S. exist in other countries and attempts will be made to be-
come allied to them. We are already allied to:
(a) The Military Heraldry Society (England).
(b) The South African Arms and Armour Society.
Membership of the S.A.M.H.S. is worldwide. The subscrip-
tion fee Is R3 per annum and a registration fee of Rl is payable on
first joining the Society.
In association with the S.A. National War Museum the
Society is publishing a bi-annual journal which members receive free
of charge.
A free copy of the Society's directory is issued annually.
It contains the names, addresses, and interests of all members.
Members of the Society are encouraged to form themselves
into branches or interest sections. Under this scheme a Uniform
Section was established in 1967 and progress can be reported in such
specialist sections as badges and medals.
The headquarters of the Society is at:-
The S.A. National War Museum
Erlswold Way
All enquiries should be addressed to:-
c/o P.O. Box 90, Saxonwold, Transvaal.
January 1968
South African Military History Society