If the rifle dominated the battlefields of the Anglo-Boer
War, and the machine gun those of World War 1, there is no doubt that
it was the tank and its accompanying armour vehicles that reigned
supreme in World War 2. The main lecture of the evening, given by
Heinrich Janzen, featured the life and fortunes of that war's greatest
practical exponent of armoured warfare, the German General Heinz Wilhelm
Guderian. Born in 1888 at Kulm on the Vistula, Guderian was a Prussian
both by birth and temperament. His father was an officer in the elite,
fast-marching 9th Jager Battalion of the German Army, and when he
passed out of cadet school in 1907 it was to join the unit them commanded
by his father. This was the Hanoverian Jager Battalion, whose soldiers
were trained to move swiftly and to use their initiative. Thereafter,
these two characteristics became the basis of his military thinking.
Guderian qualified as a signals officer, and was in command of the
radio detachment attached to the 5th Cavalry Division when that unit,
along with many others, was halted on the River Marne in 1914. In
the subsequent stalemate on the Western Front he was horrified at
the consequences of the German Army having lost its mobility, in his
opinion the result of the incompetence of the generals commanding.
The idea of fast, mobile warfare, spearheaded by the tank and co-ordinated
by radio, was the outcome of this experience. During the inter-war
years Guderian refined and propagated his doctrine, and carried it
beyond the concepts of armoured warfare beginning to take shape in
France and Britain. He did this despite powerful opposition from his
more traditionally minded superiors, and it was not until his successes
in Poland that Hitler and his generals were finally converted to Panzer
power. Hitler gave the new form of warfare the dramatic name of Blitzkrieg.
During the invasion of France in 1940 Guderian resigned in protest
-- until ordered to carry on -- when the victorious advance of his
Panzer Group was subject to a series of halt orders. The last one
came at the point when the British Expeditionary Force at Dunkirk
was virtually at his mercy. He did not know at the time that these
orders came directly from Hitler, the Commander-in-Chief himself.
Guderian experienced similar frustrations during the invasion of Russia
in 1941, and a bitter quarrel with his superior, General Von Kluge,
over freedom of action, resulted in his dismissal on Christmas Day
that year. He was subsequently recalled to fill the new appointment
of Inspector-General of Armoured Troops, responsible directly to Hitler.
His task was to organise and train not only the Panzer forces, but
also certain field units of the Luftwaffe and the Waffen SS. In addition,
he was to co-operate closely with the Minister of Armaments, Albert
Speer, in the development and production of weapons, and to create
new formations while up-dating tactical doctrine. His new role involved
Guderian in further frustrations with Hitler, particularly over the
disastrous operation
Members are reminded that the next lecture evening of The
Friends of the Museums will be held on Wednesday 26th August. The
subject will be "Museum Restoration Projects", and the venue will
be the auditorium at the Museum. The bar will open at 19h00, and the
lectures will begin at 20h00.
George Barrell (Chairman/Scribe) (011) 791-2581
CR = Curtain raiser ML= Main Lecture
African Military History Society