South African Military History Society

News-sheet No. 209. DURBAN BRANCH December 1991/Jan 1992.


In the last meeting of the year Major Darrell Hall presented a masterly exposition on "THE GULF WAR". The events of this war are sufficiently recent and its general course was covered by the media to such an extent that a recapitulation in this place would appear to be superfluous. However, the photographic material and map details which illustrated Darrell's talk gave an exceptional insight in depth and a better understanding of aspects which, presumably for strategic and practical reasons, were not made available to the public at the time. Of particular interest was the extent to which General Schwartzkopf's bluff and deception completely outmanoeuvred Saddam Hussein. Staggering also was the extent of Iraqi losses as compared with those of the Allied Forces.

A warm word of thanks was expressed on behalf of the audience by our old friend M.C. (Midge) Carter who happened to attend this meeting while on a visit from Australia.

The main talk was preceded by a brief but topical curtain raiser presented by fellow-member Ian Sutherland in the form of a series of slides he took many years ago on a motorcycle tour through Yugoslavia. Of special interest were views of the recently heavily bombarded ancient towns of Dubrovnik and Vukovar. The destruction of so many ancient and beautiful buildings merely to satisfy political ambitions is a serious indictment of war as a means to solve national differences.

SEASONS GREETINGS are extended to all members and their families. Greetings and good wishes have been received from the Cape Town Branch.


The following kind invitation comes from Maj Antony Gordon, Chairman of the Cape Town Branch: "P1ease tell your members that if they are here we can possibly arrange a guided tour of the coastal defences of the peninsula. If they phone me (021) 614mmm or Commander 'Mac' Bissett at Fort Wynyard (021) 419nnnn as far ahead as possible we will try to help. Fort Wynyard (behind Somerset Hospital and close to The Waterfront) is always open to the public and is good for a few hours at least. The tour we usually take lasts about a full day, (09H00 to 17H00) moving from Signal Hill (Lion Battery) to the south of Simonstown."

Programme of Monthly Meetings:

JANUARY l6TH TALK ON THE RHODESIAN LIGHT INFANTRY BY LT COL ROY MATKOVICH. Roy is a past Commando Commander of the RLI and served during the height of the Rhodesian War. He received the Military Forces Commendation (combatant) for bravery and distinguished service during fire force actions.He was the first Officer to be wounded during the Rhodesian War. He was trained at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

February 13th PROF DONAL McCRACKEN will give a talk on "The Irish Involvement in the Boer War".

March 12th WO I R. Francis, JCD, will give a talk on his experiences and the activities of the Durban Light Infantry in the Operational Area over a number of years.

The venue for all meetings is the functions room, first floor, Westville North Library, 167 Blair Atholl Road, Westville. The Library is on the corner of Blair Atholl and Iver Roads, at the robot-controlled intersection of Blair Atholl - Iver - Dunkeld Roads. Meetings are normally held on the second Thursday in the month (except the next meeting which will be held on the third Thursday,16th January) commencing at 19H45 (7.45p.m). Please bring your own glass and canned or bottled refreshments. Ice supplied. FRIENDS AND INTERESTED PERSONS ARE WELCOME TO COME ALONG.

(Mrs) Tania van der Watt
Secretary: Durban Branch
S.A. Military History Society
Box 870 Hillcrest 3650
Tel. 74mmmm

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