The September meeting of the Society commenced with a short talk on Camouflage Uniforms presented by Mr Hamish Paterson. The talk was illustrated with relevant slides and a variety of camouflage uniform items was displayed at the front of the auditorium.
The main speaker of the evening was Prof W D Maxwell-Mahon who addressed the meeting on the subject of "Lawrence of Arabia: The Damascus Campaign."
Professor Maxwell-Mahon provided an illuminating insight into Lawrence's character and personality, before embarking on a detaiIed accounl of the Damascus campaign itself, including Lawrence's strategy and the logistical and disciplinary problems which he had to overcome with his guerilla groups. Mr Nick Kinsey thanked the speaker for his fascinating talk.
At the end of September 1991, the Museum will sign a contract for the erection of a space frame over the courtyard which will become the World War I gun park.
Maj . Gen. Pretorius has requested the Society to assist the Museum in this worthwhile project, by donating books [01 a fund-raising booksale to be held on Saturday and Sunday the 7th and 8th December.
Members are kindly requested to respond as generously as they have done previously both in their donation of books, and in their support of the sale. Books may be deposited at the Museum during normal opening hours.
Forthcoming Events
Braai: Friday 18th October. Members are reminded of the Society braai and informed
that the tickets at R20-00 per person will be available at the door, although advance
booking is preferable. {Treasurer added a handwritten "please"}
Future talks
October 17th: Prof D B Saddington - "Roman Frontier Defences In Britain".
November 14th: Mr John Mahncke - "Stalingrad 1943".
Cape Town:
Details of forthcoming talks can be obtained by phoning Ma jor A Gordon,
Chairman of the Cape Town branch, at (021) 614500
October 17th: Cmdt Danie Laäs - "Operation Modular" (Angolan War).
November 12th: Major Darrell Hall will present a slide show on "The Gulf War".
Further details of the Durban events are available from Mrs Tania van der Watt
at telephone number (031) 764-2970.
New Publications
Members' attention is drawn to the publication of an illustrated volume - "Halt! Action Front!"
by Major Darrell Hall. This is the story of the three batteries of 4th Brigade Division
Royal Field Artillery (7th, 14th, and 66th) and the six "long 12s" which operated under
the direct command of Colonel C J Long RHA at the battle of Colenso.
Copies are available from the author, Major D Hall.
Jennifer Copley
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