Our speaker for our February meeting was Commandant Hennie Smit, one of the foremost collectors of badges and insignia, who won the "Best on Show" award at The 1989 Mi1itaria Expo. His special subject for his talk was "Selected Helmet and Cap Badges", which aroused considerable interest, even among the non-military members of the audience, on account of the unusual and sometimes extremely rare items, which he exhibited to illustrate his talk. In his introduction Cmdt Smit pointed out that helmet badges, in particular, served as a means of identification, but also became a symbol of regimental pride, tradition and history. The badge then also found a niche in the affection of the wearers, making it frequently a heartbreak to abandon it, even if transferred to another unit. Regimental badges are an important part of the uniform, serving to distinguish between one body of men and another, especially if there is a general uniformity of dress. They serve a function which was filled in more romantic times by bearing regimental colours into battle.
The practice of using numbers and names became commonplace, and many regiments were given the right to use as an identifying emblem, a device which commemorated some special battle, campaign or other regimental association. - In the early 18th century badges were mostly embroidered on the mitre caps of the grenadiers; but by the latter part of the century metal plates bearing regimental names or devices were introduced. The size and shape of these badges were obviously influenced by the particular form of head-dress worn, and with the tall "stove-pipe" shako of the 19th century the badge was fairly large, sometimes as large as a man's hand, die-stamped and metal plated. In 1829 a "bell-topped" shako was adopted and with this style of head-dress was introduced the "star" pattern badge in which only the central, interchangeable, circular disc bore the distinguishing name or number of any particular regiment. However, in 1855 a lower crowned shako was adopted and needed a correspondingly smaller badge. The large pattern "star" badge was re-introduced in 1879,when the so-called "blue-cloth" helmet was adopted by the British army. Smaller badges were again in style when the service dress cap came into use in the early 20th century and even smaller varieties were worn on the beret which, contrary to popular belief, was first used during WWI. Whilst it is usually not difficult to allocate any badge to its regiment, dating is a very different matter. In this regard the presence of a royal crown usually gives a good clue: the so-called 'Queen's' crown refers to the reign of Queen Victoria, the 'King's' crown was in use from Edward VII to George VI and the 'St Edward's' Crown applies to the reign of Elizabeth II. Our speaker enhanced the interest in his talk by using actual specimens from his collection to explain and illustrate all the types and features which he had mentioned. He rounded off his talk by relating some personal anecdotes relating to his vast collection and how he acquired some of his rarer and unusual specimens and was warmly thanked, on behalf of the audience, by fellow-member Major Denis Sheil-Small.
Major Darrell Hall, accompanied by his wife, Sue, attended our February meeting, not as a visitor, but as a permanent resident of Natal. Welcome back into the fold! He duly contributed to the supporting programme of the meeting by presenting one of his colourful Metro Goldwyn Hall (Meyer is the other one) productions: "The Changing of The Guard", which was well received. Thank you, Darrell. Members should note that we are to be treated on a regular basis to MGH fare.
We have been requested by a firm, operating under this name, based at Vryheid, to bring to the notice of our members, that it organizes guided tours to virtually all the Zulu War and Anglo-Boer War battlefieldsin Natal, throughout the year. Information about dates and prices may be obtained on telephones (0386) 71957 (work) or (0381) 4124 (after hours).
Programme of Monthly Meetings:
MARCH 8TH THE BURMA CAMPAIGN Video with introductory talk by Major Denis Sheil-Small. MC.
April 19th Please note that this meeting will take place on the THIRD Thursday in April. Mr Chris Bartlett will exhibit his collection of die-cast models and will talk on "Military History in Miniature".
May 10th Fellow-member Barry Stephenson will deliver a talk on General Dan Pienaar (based on his wife Val's research).
The venue for all meetings is the functions room, :first floor, WESTVILLE NORTH LIBRARY, 167 Blair Atholl Road. The library building is on The corner of Blair Atholl and Iver Roads, at the robot-controlled intersection of Blair Atholl - Iver - Dunkeld Roads. The entrance is from Iver Rd. Commencement time 19h45. Please bring your own GLASS and bottled or canned refreshments. ICE will be supplied. FRIENDS AND INTERESTED PERSONS ARE WELCOME TO COME ALONG.
Tania van der Watt
Secretary: Durban Branch
S.A. Military History Society
Box 870 Hillcrest 3650
Tel. 74mmmm