South African Military History Society

News-sheet No. 193. DURBAN BRANCH July 1990.


"THOMASIAN MILITARY ANTECEDENTS", presented by fellow-member Brian Thomas at our June meeting was a new and novel approach to military history. Illustrated with excellent transparencies and some documents on an overhead projector, Brian gave a talk which could serve as a model on how to combine a number of research projects dealing as in this instance, with genealogy, military medals, regimental units, campaigns and political events, to form one self-contained whole, which will be of interest, not only to the families concerned, but also to other researchers and to the military history oriented public in general. The conceptual method is simple and effective but its success will demand a great deal of painstaking research, determination, patience, dedication, and much detailed knowledge and insight. How far back one would wish to start will depend on the availability of detailed information. Our speaker had limited his researches into military antecedents only to his immediate relatives and those of his wife. Starting with his grandfather and working through his father's generation, his own, and ending up with his sons he presented the basic information in a montage of portrait, regimental badges, medals ete. Even this relatively small circle encompassed a substantial number of family names, the earliest reaching as far back as the 1820 settlers, such as Brown, Thomas, Frost, Spring, Moore, Styles, Carr and Parsons.

Without reference to any chronological order, the military units which were identified in respect of individual family members ranged from the Kaffrarian Rifles, the Berlin Mounted Rifles (from Berlin, near Kingwilliamstown, Eastern Cape), Cape Infantry, Cape Mounted Rifles, Baker's Horse, R.N.V.R., Coastal Defence Corps, Royal Navy, S.A. Medical corps, LSAI, Naval Volunteer Brigade, 1st Dragoon Guards, 7th Dragoon Guards, to the Durban Light Infantry. The theatres of war covered an equally wide field and so did the decorations awarded in respect of them. Mention was made of the 6th - 8th Kaffir Wars, 9th Kaffir War, Anglo-Zulu War, Second Anglo-Boer War, both World Wars and the Bush War on the Border. Even some of the women came in for a mention: among these was a rare M.O.T.H. Certificate of Good Comradeship and awards for the War Effort (Gifts and Comforts Fund).

A highly appreciative "Thank You" on behalf of the audience was offered by fellow-member Maj Darrell Hall, who in turn was thanked by the Chairman for the interesting and colourful "MGH" supporting programme dealing with 'The Regimental Heritage' (Royal Artillery).

FUGITIVES' DRIFT LODGE offers excellent accommodation and cuisine to any intending visitors to the Zulu War battlefields. At present four two-bed cottages are available. 15 minutes walking distance from the graves of Lieuts Melvill and Coghill. 9 kms from Rorke's Drift. For details contact David and Nicky Rattray: Fugitives' Drift Lodge (West Kirby) P.O. Rorke's Drift 3016. Telephone (03425) nnn.



JULY 12th Fellow-member BRYAN COOKE will deliver an illustrated slide talk on "The German South West African Campaign, 1914/15".

August 9th To be announced.

Sept. 13th Mr Mike du Toit (formerly of Armscor) will talk on "Camouflage".

Oct 11th To be announced.

Nov 8th Colonel Peter 'Monster' Wilkins will present a slide talk on "The Re-fuelling of aircraft in flight during the Falklands War".

Any suggestions from members for possible speakers at our monthly get-togethers will be welcome.

The venue for all meetings is the functions room, first floor, Westville North Library, 167 Blair Atholl Road, Westville. The library is on the corner of Blair Atholl and Iver Roads, at the robot-controlled intersection of Blair Atholl - Iver- Dunkeld Roads. Commencement time is 19H45 (7.45 p.m.) on the second Thursday of each month. Please bring your own glass and bottled or canned refreshments. Ice will be supplied. FRIENDS AND INTERESTED PERSONS ARE WELCOME TO COME ALONG.

Before WWI ROLAND GARROS had won acclaim at international air meetings and in 1913 set an altitude record of 18 000 ft. He was the first man to fly across the Mediterranean. In WWI he was the first fighter pilot to promote successfully a cam-operated mechanism which enabled a machine gun to fire between moving propellor blades. Having scored three victories he crashed behind enemy lines and tried to set fire to his plane, but failed. The Germans discovered his secret mechanism, and through a Dutchman, Anthony Fokker, copied and improved it and were able to challenge allied air superiority. Garros escaped from a POW camp, but was later killed in action.


(Mrs)Tania van der Watt
Secretary: Durban Branch
S.A. Military History Society
Box 870 Hillcrest 3650
Tel. 74mmmm

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