It is not often that we have airmen as guest speakers at our monthly meetings. They are hard to catch, not because they are too 'flighty', there are just too few of them around, but we made a good catch in getting Colonel Peter 'Monster' Williams to addrass our November meeting. In addition to being the Officer Commanding the Air Force Base Durban, he is also the most highly qualified helicopter pilot in the country, perhaps that accounts for his nickname. Under the general title of "The refuelling of Aircraft in Flight during the Falklands War" he chose to talk on the significant contribution the Royal Air Force made in its participation in Operation "Corporate" in the British military action to repossess the Falkland Islands in 1982.
The Argentine forces invaded the Falklands on 2 April 1982, and on the same day the first RAF C-130 Hercules transport left RAF Lyneham for Ascension Island - approximately halfway between the British Isles and the Falklands, which are 8 000 miles from the UK. Suddenly the airfield at Ascension lived up to its name of "Wide-awake" as daily aircraft movements increased from just over one a day to 400 a day, resulting in 6700 aircraft arrivals and departures, some 6000 passengers and (unable to decipher) freight having been handled by the end of the campaign.
The shooting war started with the first "Black Buck" Vulcan bombing raid on 30 April/ l May. This was the Avro Vulcan's first action in 25 years of service. The Vulcan is a four-engined "V"-Bomber which first flew for the RAF in 1952: Its wingspan is 111 ft and it is 99 ft long; max. all-up weight is 200 000 lbs and its bomb load comprised 21 x 1 000 lb bombs. Originally the design range was 3 500 miles; but now it was to operate from "Wide-awake" to Port Stanley airport in the Falklands, a total distance back home of 7 700 miles (12 400 km)! This was thus to be the longest bombing raid in history - over a distance equal to that of from London to Karachi and back! - The mission was to deny Port Stanley airfied to Argentina' s fast jets, or interceptors; to do this a bomb had to be dropped on the runway. This was done at night from above cloud covering the ground. All refuelling was also done at night. The first refuelling was done 840 miles out (1 350 km). Four Victors passed their fuel to four others then turned back, a fifth topped up the Vulcans tanks.
The next transfer was 1 150 miles out (1 850 km); the third transfer 1 900 miles (3 060 km) out; at 2 700 miles (4 345 km) the remaining Victors transferred fuel. From 10 000 ft with the assistence of the radar operator, 21 bombs were released in 5 seconds over the runway. One scored a perfect hit in the middle of the runway which did prevent the Argentine fast jets from operating out of Port Stanley. The psychological impact was great, as Argentina realized that the mainland could be bombed and its sole Mirage III Interceptor Squadron had to stand by to protect potential targets in the homeland and could not be used to defend the Falklands, giving the RAF and RN the air superiority they needed.
After further refuelling exercises the Vulcan got safely back to Ascension - Col Wilkins then dealt with some other air actions during operation "Corporate", mentioning particularly the Harrier Jump Jet, and rounding off his most interesting talk with a series of colour slides showing operational detail and the different types of aircraft involved.
Mr Peter Potter, himself a former airman, thanked the Colonel appreciatively on behalf of the audience.
1991 MEMBERSHIP FEES Single membership R25,00, dual membership R30,00, Life membership R250,00, Family Life Membership R300.00 and entrance fee R2,00.
Programme of Monthly Meetings:
NEXT MEETING The first monthly meeting of the new year will take place on THURSDAY, 10TH JANUARY 1991, at 20H00 (8 pm) at the home of our chairman 'SB' Bourquin, at 16, O'Connor Road, Westville. 'SB' will show and talk on his collection of "Historical Militaria" and other items of interest. Beer, wine, tea and coffee will be "on the house". Glasses and ice will be supplied; but anyone desiring some other kind of refreshment will have to bring his own. All members and their guests are heartily welcome!
February 14th Fellow-member Major Darrell Hall will present an illustrated talk on "The Saint Nazaire Raid 1942".
March 14th Mr Graham Dominy will give a talk on it "A Comparison of the Battles of Little Big Horn (Gen Custer against the Red Indians) and Isandlwana".
April 11th Cmdt Mick McKenna will talk on "The Rhodesian African Rifles and the Grey Scouts".
The venue for all meetings (except in January) will be the amenities room, Westville North Library, 167 Blair Atholl Rd Westville, commencing at 19H45.
RENDEZVOUS Durban North Commando Headquarters, Mount Edgecombe.
TIME l4h00 ( 2 p.m.)
PROGRAMME Briefing from fellow-member COLONEL BRIAN ADAMS, OC Group 10 Commandos, followed by a tour of one of the unrest areas in an army Caspir. Return to Durban North Headquarters for a debriefing and braai. Refreshments will be available.
Please let Ken Gillings know in good time if you intend participating in this tour. His office telephone No. is 305nmnm - Jean will take messages.
(Mrs)Tania van der Watt
Secretary: Durban Branch
S.A. Military History Society
Box 870 Hillcrest 3650
Tel. 74mmmm