At our July meeting just a few of our older members enjoyed their welcome "seconds" while the remainder greatly appreciated their first experience of fellow-member Bryan Cooke's illustrated talk on the "German South West African Campaign,1914/15". It was so interesting and the photography so good that those members who had been present when Bryan first presented this talk many years ago were very happy to hear it again and would not mind hearing it a third time.
In the briefest of terms an outline of the campaign is simple enough: After the outbreak of World War I, the government of the Union of South Africa undertook, on 6 August, 1914, to assume all obligations resting upon the British regular garrison in South Africa and on 10 August to send a military expedition of its own to German South West Africa. Soon after the preliminary occupation of Luderitz Bay the 1914 Boer rebellion interrupted operations but once this was overcome the campaign against the Germans developed rapidly and successfully. In January 1915 South African forces advanced into the country from different points and after a campaign of swift movement in semi-desert and waterless country forced the surrender of the Germans on 9 July, 1915.
However, Bryan supplied a mass of fascinating detail which gave colour and substance to the bare outline. Geological and climatic conditions have favoured the preservation of camp sites, entrenchments and gun positions, and all the debris associated with such localities. The most destructive agencies are provided by man himself, who, in the course of "progress and development" builds roads, railways, fences and factory sites and bulldozes much of the evidence of the historical events of yester-year. This destruction has even affected some of the beautifully executed, huge regimental crests and emblems laid out on hill-sides with differently coloured stones and rocks. Some have been preserved by having been proclaimed historical monuments, others have been irretrievably lost.
Natal was well represented by its Natal Carbineers, the Durban Light Infantry and the Umvoti Mounted Rifles. From amongst the better known Transvaal units came the Imperial Light Horse and the Transvaal Scottish. One novel feature of this campaign was the fact that the Union forces were under the command and led in the field by the country's Prime Minister-in-Office, General Louis Botha. Other famous names which cropped up were Smuts, Sir Duncan McKenzie, Lukin, van der Spuy, and even "Bomber" Harris, who at that time was a teenage bugler! On the German side worth mentioning were von Heyde, colonel Franke, and the one and only German airman, Willy Trück, who had been living with his wife in Sea Point, Cape Town, and died a few years ago, well over 90 years of age.
In this campaign South African forces used, for the first time in warfare, aircraft with home-made but quite effective bombs, an A.A. gun, the "Skinny Liz", which was a converted fieldgun from Wynberg, and a Rolls-Royce armoured car.
Alan Mountain proposed a well-deserved vote of thanks to the speaker.
Programme 'of Monthly Meetings
AUGUST 9TH Fellow-member STEVE WATT will present an illustrated slide talk on "HARRISMITH - ANGLO/BOER WAR"
In addition to the above, Major Darrell Hall will present a short film the MGH series entitled "Regimental Heritage Part II - The Story of the Royal Artillery in Paintings, Uniforms, Medals and Silver". (10 - 15 mins).
September 13th Fellow-member Colonel B.M. Adams (former S.A. Military Attaché in Taiwan) will give a talk. Title to be announced.
October 11th A warm welcome is extended to our newest member Mr Mike du Toit (formerly of Armscor) who will give us a talk on "Camouflage".
November 8th Colonel Peter 'Monster' Wilkins will present a a slide talk on "The Re-fuelling of aircraft in flight during the Falklands War".
December In recess.
The venue for all meetings is the functions room, first floor, Westville North Library, 167 Blair Atholl Road, westville. The library is on the corner of Blair Atholl and Iver Roads, at the robot-controlled intersection of Blair Atholl - Iver - Dunkeld Roads. (Dunkeld Road is the extension of Quarry Road from the Northern Freeway - 5 mins travelling time from Durban North). Meetings commence at 19H45 (7.45 p.m.) on the second Thursday in the month. Please bring your own canned or bottled refreshments. FRIENDS AND INTERESTED PERSONS ARE WELCOME TO COME ALONG.
(Mrs)Tania van der Watt
Secretary: Durban Branch
S.A. Military History Society
Box 870 Hillcrest 3650
Tel. 74mmmm