Under the able ad hoc chairmanship of Ken Gillings, fellow-member Major Denis Sheil-Small, MC, presented a 'World at War' video on the war in Burma at our March get-together. Glimpses of the beauty of the scene, mountains and forests, were hardly adequate to soften the scenes indicating the hardships, endurance, well-nigh insurmountable problems and the stark horrors of naked, brutal war. Preceding the 'high-tech' presentation of the video screen, the audience experienced a warm and pleasing reaction when our presenter, Denis, gave the live human voice an opportunity to play its part by reading extracts from a booklet "Letters from John", an anthology of the writings of John Charles Goldingham, 3/8th Gurkha Rifles. In his first letter home, John introduces himself as, now, "a member of the 14th Army, in Burma, in close contact with the Japs; thoroughly fit and in good heart".
The country he is in "dips and rises in long waves. But you cannot strictly see the ground at all. All you see is trees, the tops of trees and more trees. ..... But it is not trees that make jungle .... It is the lowly plants that twine along the path to trip one's feet, the six foot weeds whose broad leaves block one's vision, the thorns that tear clothing and skin, the crossed bamboo, the elephant grass, the reeds and low pestering plants that form a wood into a jungle. ..... There is a war here, and bloody animal war at that. And we have no roads, no wireless, mobile bath units or what-have-you. We have a shirt, a pair of trousers, a Sten or Tommy gun or rifle, ammunition and anti-malarial pills. ..... People at home don't realise that war here is as tough, if not tougher, as any place in the world. ..... The grey-green legions who do not change their clothes for months (I put my present clothes on eighty-five days ago! We sleep in our clothes and boots, possibly in P.T. shoes!), have rain and malaria, dysentry, lice, leeches, constantly to deal with; but we are beating the Japanese all along the line."
Clear and sober is his style; but his thoughts, which here and there break to the surface, are sensitive and perceptive. Like any soldier in action he did think "that I may be killed or wounded but I try to look after myself". But looking after himself did not mean shirking his duty, so, when he led his company in an attack against a strong enemy position John Goldingham was caught in a burst from a Jap LMG. Rescued, operated upon, there were hopes for his recovery, but he died from complications some days later.
Colonel Joe Williams, also a Burma campaigner, contributed further human and personal interest by having brought along and showing round some campaign relics, such as a Japanese marine's helmet cover with Jap naval emblem, a Gurkha kukri, his own Gurkha Brigade hat and an invoice book from a Burmese shop which, on account of the shortage of paper, he had used as his own order group book. Fellow-member John Woods, who was with General Slim's armoured advance, added some of his own reminiscences.
After some lively discussion Dr Jack Hickman moved a warm vote of thanks to all participants in a most interesting programme.
Programme of Monthly Meetings:
MR CHRIS BARTLETT will exhibit his collection of die cast models and will talk on "MILITARY HISTORY IN MINATURE".
(Ian Sutherland will display a separate table of die cast model vehicles). Please note that this is the THIRD Thursday in April.
May l0th
Fellow-member Barry Stephenson will deliver a talk on GENERAL DAN PIENAAR.
June 14th
Fellow-member Brian Thomas will talk on "Thomasian Military Antecedents".
The venue for all meetings is the functions room, first floor, WESTVILLE NORTH LIBRARY, 167 Blair Atholl Road. The library building is on the corner of Blair Atholl and Iver Roads, at the robot-controlled intersection of Blair Atholl - Iver - Dunkeld Roads. The entrance is from Iver Road. New commencement time 20H00 (8 p.m.) (Prior to our meetings the functions room is used for a karate class which does not leave much time for setting up equipment, etc., hence the later commencement time). Please bring your own GLASS and bottled or canned refreshments. ICE will be supplied. FRIENDS AND INTERESTED PERSONS ARE WELCOME TO COME ALONG.
(Mrs)Tania van der Watt
Secretary: Durban Branch
S.A. Military History Society
Box 870 Hillcrest 3650
Tel. 74mmmm