South African Military History 


AGM 1990

5 Chess Close,
Newlands, 7700.
Ph: mm4500.
Frid.26 Apr '90.

Dear Member

1. This letter was originally intended to be only to those who could not get to our AGM on the 11th. As a number of other items of general interest have arisen we are sending it to all members.
2. The AGM - a summary.
a. The minutes of the last AGM, which had been circulated to all members, were accepted and there were no 'Matters Arising'.
b. Chairman's report: I mentioned that I had only had the priviledge[sic] of being chairman since the end of September 90.

Our lecture programme had covered the period 1775 (Battle of Muizenberg by Maj Phillip Erskine) to the 1960s (Aden operations by Maj David Christie). I feel it would have been better to cover a longer period than this 165 years. To do this we need the help of members to suggest possible speakers. Do not leave everything to the committee! Please remember that speakers must be able to put over their subject well - it is embarrasing to all if this is not the case!

We were very disappointed not to be able to arrange a panel for the Battle of Britain anniversary in September and are most grateful to Mr.Appleby for taking all the weight alone.

The dates of our meetings have, occasionally, had to be changed due to public holidays and night cricket. This will be happening again this year.

Membership: Our total membership dropped by 1 to 64 at the end of 1990. With the ever increasing membership fees there is a trend for 'full' members (who also belong to the Johannesburg head office of the society and receive the magazine) to become only Cape Town (Associate) members. Regretably[sic], we expect this trend to continue. We need more members and I asked all members to get at least one each this year.

Finance: The audited accounts were circulated. (Copies are still available). The situation is sound, only because we anticipated the inevitable increases and had to raise the subs. (But, surprisingly, Johannesburg did not raise the 'Full' membership).

The future: A wider range of lecture subjects, more members, more ideas from members please and, with no hope, a smaller rise in costs!!

Thanks: Many thanks for their contributions to all our speakers, The Athaneum[sic] and especially Mrs. Vonk. Also to all the committee members for their continued support. Our most sincere thanks to Paul Lange for his fantastic work on our behalf since the start of this branch in 1975. We owe him a very great deal. MANY thanks Paul! !

The report was accepted.

c. Treasurer's report: Mr. Harry Peel presented the audited accounts.
The following is an extract of the main items to 31st Dec '90:-
 Visitors 125125
 Subsidy from JHB 9085
 Interest 3318
EXPENDITURE Subs to JHB (for full mem)660629
  Lecture room rent420350
  Printing & Stationery289239
  Bank charges1712
  Sundry, (mainly video rent)8520
SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR to Acc funds255211
ACCUMULATED FUNDS at 1st Jan  498 287
  surplus for the year 252 211
   753 498

You will see that the use of the hall is by far the biggest item. This would be helped by an increase in membership. I thanked Harry Peel for his very thorough keeping of our books and also Mr. Bob Buser for his audit of them. He has very kindly agreed to be the Hon. auditor next year. Many thanks, Bob!!
The financial report was accepted.

d. Election of Committee. I was reelected chairman. Many thanks! Paul Lange did not wish to stand as Vice Chairman or Secretary but was elected to be Public Relations, Statistician and minute Secretary i.e. very much what he is doing now! Mr. Allan Nathan was elected Vice Chairman an[sic] Harry Peel to continue as Treasurer. Mr. Brian Gibbs is also still a committee member.

e. There were no notices of motion.

f. General: I mentioned that Mr. Brian Gibbs had been elected to the committee of the Cape Town Highlanders. Congrats, Brian!

3. We heard a most interesting talk by Dr. Frank Mitchell on the history of the Second World War illustrated by medals in his posession. These were all covered in the slides shown. Frank also produced lists of the main events of the war. (I have a few copies if needed). Very many thanks, Frank, for your usual most professional show and also for the vital help of Mrs. Mitchell!!

4. Publicity: For some time we have been hoping that "Head Office" would produce a leaflet to publicise the society. As none has appeared we have made our own effort. The pink one enclosed. We will be leaving these in suitable places and hope that you will also pass them on to potential members. If you need more copies please ask!

5. New Members: Also enclosed is a copy of the membership form for use by your new member!! Ask for more if required.

6. Meeting venue: This year the cost of our room at the Athaneum[sic] has gone up to R500 !! This is nearly half our total expences. There are many advantages to the Athaneum[sic] (Parking, access, facilities, atmosphere, security of tenure etc.) but we feel we must look for some other place at a lower cost. Please let any committee member know if you have any ideas?

7. Battlefield Tours: I have been given the addresses of two U.K. agencies running tours in Europe. One has been particularly reccommended. I also have contacts for tours or information in Kimberley and Natal. Please let me know of any agencies that you know of because I have a trickle of requests.

8. Books for sale: I have a few copies of the list of about 40 military books and magazine sets for sale by Mr. Rod Prodgers of Plumstead -- Ph nnn8486. Most books are WW11 and after. A very interesting collection and reasonably priced. Please ask me for lists or phone Rod.

This has gone on much longer than intended!
With very best wishes,
(signed) Yours Aye, Antony Gordon

South African Military History Society /