APRIL 1990
The March Meeting of the Society was addressed by Dr. Fransjohan Pretorius. His subject was "Supplies to Commandos during the Anglo-Boer War, 1899/1902".
Dr. Pretorius dealt with three elements of supply, namely, arms and ammunition, food and clothing. After the Jameson Raid the Boer Republics began to acquire arms and ammunition. By the time of the outbreak of the war they had accumulated some 50,000 Mauser and 44,000 Martini-Henry rifles and 80 modern artillery pieces. After the commencement of war Boer supplies via Delagoa Bay ceased following a secret agreement between Britain and Portugal. During the conventional phase of the war there was some reloading of ammunition and repairs of damaged weapons, but, this stopped following the fall of Pretoria. Eventually, there was but one option - to capture weapons and supplies from the British. The First de Wet Hunt can be regarded as a watershed, as from this date, there was no Boer commissariat resulting in each commando having to provide for itself. At the end of the war it is estimated that 90% of Boers were equipped with British rifles.
The Boer Armies were not well prepared with regard to the supply of foodstuffs - their Proviaand Kommissie only being formed in July 1899 - three months before the outbreak of war. Transport difficulties to some of the fronts also compounded the problem. A further complication was the loose administration of supplies which sometimes resulted in favouritism in distribution. "Harvest commissions" were granted to some burghers to enable them to plant, plough and harvest. Biltong was a very useful food. It is interesting to note that in the conventional phase of the war meat and bread was the staple diet, but, in the guerrilla phase this changed to bread and mieliepap. The supply situation deteriorated as the war progressed, especially, with the advent of the scorched earth policy. Great ingenuity was displayed in finding substitutes on the veld, for example, coffee was made from mealies and peaches. Certain leaves provided a tobacco substitute. Soap was obtained from some bulbous plants. The British and Blacks became a source of food. Although some burghers were carefree about this situation "Tomorrow will bring relief", there is little doubt that the lack of supplies was one of the factors in the Boers' decision to seek peace. Similarly, conditions relating to the supply of clothing were also a major problem, even the shoes provided at the beginning of the war were very poor. As a result the burghers were often barefoot and clothing was repeatedly repaired utilizing blankets and skins.
After a lively question time Professor Johan Barnard proposed the vote of thanks for an extremely interesting lecture. .
Future Meetings 1990
Wednesday - April 18th - Annual General Meeting and "World War II Reminiscence Talks".
- May 10th - Mr. M.C.W. Morris - "The Charge of the Light Brigade".
The Johannesburg Meetings take place in the J.C. Lemmer Auditorium, S.A. National Museum of Military History, Saxonwold, Johannesburg at 20h00.
Notice is hereby given of the Agenda for the 24th Annual General Meeting of the S.A. Military History Society to be held at 20h00 on Wednesday 18th April 1990 in the J.C. Lemmer Auditorium, S.A. National Museum of Military History, Saxonwold, Johannesburg.
Mafikeng Tour Saturday 28th April and Sunday 29th April
The programme for the tour is as follows:
Saturday 28th April 1990
09h30 Meet at Mafikeng Museum - Welcome - Mr. Spencer Minchin
Aspects of the Museum - Curator G. Phillips
Siege artillery - Major Darrell Hall
Tea at Museum
10h45 Visit to Baralong village and Methodist Church built during the Warren Expedition.
Bethell's Grave
Warren's Fort
12h45 Lunch in St. John's Church grounds - look at church
14h00 Cannon Kopje
Warren's Well
Water supply at Rowland's House
Site of Women's Laager
Drive to Game Tree Fort
Hence to Malopo Sun
Sunday 29th April 1990
09h30 Meet at Museum
Drive through Mafeking of the siege
Mafeking Cemetery
Short history of Rooigrond
Lunch at Sehuba Inn
Drive through Ottoshoop to Cemetary
Return via Gubbins' Farm to Lichtenberg
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