South African Military History Society

News-sheet No. 185. DURBAN BRANCH October 1989.


The September meeting of this branch took the form of a 'mini' exposition of some high quality militaria under the expert presentation of Mr Mark Coghlan of the Provincial Museum Services. Well over forty selected items of a varied nature were professionally set out for viewing. These items form part of a very much larger collection belonging to Mr Fred Clarke, former M.E.C. for Hospital and Museum Services. Not only were these select and beautifully presented items on display, but our speaker had in addition made colour transparencies of them to illustrate his most interesting talk on their nature, significance and historical backeround. In the case of some items there were some uncertainties and obscurities which only further research can resolye. Our speaker therefore invited the members present to offer any comment or suggestion which might assist in the identification or clarification amongst which were a helmet, medals, badges, bayonets etc.

The transparencies, which had been produced with obvious photographic skill dealt, inter alia, with a 19th Century German "Pickelhaube", a British Devonshire Regiment helmet, both with highly ornate badges; British, French, Belgian and German steel helmets, caps, kepis, berets and other headgear, including Dr Fred Clarke's own rear gunner's flying helmet complete with earphones, a number of unusual rifles, types of ammunition, many bayonets, several military uniforms, badges and medals.

There was something of interest for every type of militaria specialist. The details revealed during the talk encouraged members of the audience to take a second closer look at the items during the usual pause between the end of the talk and question time.

Fellow-member Dr Jack Hickman expressed a very warm word of appreciation to Mark Coghlan for the trouble he had taken in bringing this exhibition down from Pietermaritzburg and for his excellent commentary. A thought was also spared for the gravely ill Dr Fred Clarke and Mark was requested to convey the sympathetic greetings of the meeting to Mrs Clarke.


Programme of Monthly Meetings

OCTOBER 12th Lt Col Eric Evans will lecture on "THE BATTLE OF PLASSEY" (Clive's victory, bENGAL, iNDIA, 1757).

(The Durban Branch of the Society was founded by a handful of members in October 1968, so this meeting marks our 21st birthday! Amongst these founder members were: Justin Hulme (First Chairman), 'SB' Bourquin, Ken Gillings, Robin Crossley (now living in Pietermaritzburg), Midge Carter (now living in Australia) and the late Joe Stallard.)

November 9th Fellow member Vic Conrad will give a talk on "The October Russian Revolution, 1917" (which actually took place in November). December IN RECESS 1990 January 11th OUTING TO THE NATAL MOUNTED RIFLES MUSEUM
(housed in the old Stamford Hill Aerodrome building next to the Durban Country Club). Will members please meet at the NMR Headquarters at 19h30. Parking is available in the grounds. e for the meetings in October and N ovember ivil1 be the functions room on the first floor of the ~mSTVILLE :TRT:r L:;:.LiI'/'..i1Y, 167 ::Jlair Atholl Road. The' Library builc~inG is on the corner of :31air Atholland Iver Roads, at the robot-controlled intersection of 13L.A.IR AT'OLL - IVEP - m;jT~~LD 1~CADS. The entrance to the library par1cing area and buildin,::,-" is :from ~ver Rd. Commencement +. " 1 '7 I ..•. ""I'T~'Tn'- ,_n, "up.,..,,·",....·....,.,.., "erne' .--c: .., WJ.. .:>e ,.L.J. p • .:.a. _ £...:I.._;...~J,·I..J.::) xi.. ... _L; ..l..,I,:" . .r..u,_£~::J.~~ ,:_ ..... ' .. __ -:- _,~ A.'RE 1I'ELCOI!E TO CO~.E ALO~iG. Please brinr: :,rour O'{=~ (;LA:::·;'O 2nd bottled or canned refreshments. ICS will be suprylied. - Tania van der Watt Secretary: Durban Branch S.A. l\iilitary History Society Eox 870 Hillcrest 3650 Tel 7642::170 I 1 9 h 4 5 ( 5 ) D Will members please meet at the NMR Headquarters at 19h30. Parlcing is available in the grounds.

The venue for the above meetings will be the functions room on the first floor of the WESTVILLE NORTH LIBRARY, 167 Blair Atholl Road. The Library building is on the corner of Blair Atholl and Iver Roads, at the robot-controlled intersection of BLAIR ATHOLL IVER - DUNKELD ROADS. The entrance to the library parking area and building is from Iver Rd. Commencement time will be 7.45 p.m. FRIENDS AND INTERESTED PERSONS ARE WELCOME TO COME ALONG. Please bring your OWN GLASS and bottled or canned refreshments. ICE will be supplied.

Tania van der Watt
Secretary: Durban Branch
S.A. Military History Society
Box 870 Hillcrest 3650
Tel. 74mmmm

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