An eager audience foregathered in the Durban Light Infantry officers' mess to hear Major Darrell Hall present an illustrated talk (twin projectors) entitled "Up the Line on the Western Front", at our February meeting. However, before the main feature the now famous "Metro Goldwyn Hall' presented an interesting, skilfully assembled 'short' on Hitler's Reich's Chancellery, showing what it looked like in its heyday, and what became of it at the end of the war.
The title of the main story is based on the expression, current during WWI, when "Up the Line" meant moving to the front and the 'front' in those days invariably meant the trenches. To add some human interest Darrell used the person of his uncle Wilfred (South African born, commissioned into the 2/3 London Regiment, killed in action 15 May 1917 at Bullecourt) to describe the landing of his Regiment at Le Havre, proceeding to the battle zone south of Arras and moving into the actual trenches. Having carried out a minute search, through records, correspondence, photographs, maps, personal diaries, official reports and war diaries, filling gaps by making realistic and logical suppositions and assessments, Darrell succeeded in outlining Wilfred' s movements almost on a day to day basis. In respect of the day he was wounded in February 1917, Darrell was able to review the events almost from hour to hour.
The results of Darrell's research were condensed into three parts: (a) Introduction to the trenches: life therein, conditions, including the hazards, such as enemy action, hygiene (lice), rats and mud; also the circumstances and cause of Wilfred' s wounding, which, fortunately, was such that, with the necessary care, he managed to remain at duty. (b) Identifying the enemy: who were the immediate opponents on the other side, i.e. in the German trenches, facing Wilfred's company; who were the commanders, what units. (c) The identification of an unmarked course group photograph and the unexpected information it revealed.
There were many transparencies showing troops in action, specific trenches, the location of which our speaker had identified on the ground, showing in colour the French countryside as it appears today. Detailed official war maps of the trenches illustrated both own and enemy positions in the Martinet-Blaireville sector south of Arras.
After a brief question time fellow-member Peter Coombes paid tribute to the excellent presentation and the painstaking research, which had made it possible, and expressed a warm word of thanks on behalf of the audience. Concluding the meeting Chairman 'SB' then thanked Cmdt Moe, OC, Durban Light Infantry, and also the Mess President of the officers' mess for having made this venue available to the Society.
The examination of different venues, in order to find the most convenient one is continuing. The venue for the meeting on THURSDAY 9 MARCH, will be the functions room on the first floor of the Westville North Library, 167 Blair Atholl Road. The Library building is on the corner of Blair Atholl and Iver Roads, at the robot-controlled intersection of BLAIR ATHOLL RD - IVER RD DUNKELD RD. The entrance to the library parking area and building is from Iver Road.
DR ANGUS ALLEN will present PART II of the video programme entitLed "AUSTERLITZ" (1805) as reviewed in the last news letter. (Anyone who missed the first half of the programme will not be at a disadvantage as the Battle of Austerlitz is due to commence in the second half.)
The commencement time of the meeting will be 19h45 and friends and interested persons are welcome to come along.
Ice and water jugs will be provided, but please bring your own GLASS and bottled or canned refreshments.
Tania van der Watt
Secretary: Durban Branch
S.A. Military History Society
Box 870 Hillcrest 3650
Tel. 74mmmm