South African Military History Society

News-sheet No. 182. DURBAN BRANCH July 1989.


Through the courtesy of fellow-member Major Denis Sheil-Small, MC, our audience at the June get-together was privileged to see two unusual video tapes. One dealt with the recruitment, training and military traditions of the Gurkhas in the British army, and the other with the visit of the Queen and Prince Philip to Nepal. Both were found to be most interesting; but from their very nature cannot be summarised in a brief note such as this. However, by way of an introduction to the video on "Gurkhas in Training" our speaker briefly indicated that the military history of the Gurkhas in relation to the British began when the British Governor-General in Calcutta declared war on Nepal in 1814. There followed a bloody and prolonged campaign lasting until 1816. In that year the treaty of Segauli was signed. This led in due course to the forming of what today is known as the Brigade of Gurkhas. Throughout the 1800's the Gurkha reputation steadily grew from their loyalty during the Indian Mutiny, the battles on the North-West Frontier and the Afghan wars until in 1914, when they were able to prove their mettle even in the mud of Flanders, as also slightly nearer home in Mesopotamia and at Gallipoli. Then came WWII in which the Gurkhas enhanced their reputation further. In the two worId wars they suffered 40 000 casualties and won 13 VCs. During the Falklands war they formed part of the British field force; but for political reasons they were not actually committed to action.

The thanks and apreciation of the meeting were conveyed by fellow member Bob Tuck, himself a former Gurkha officer, in a most appropriate and enlightening manner.


Our Chairman points out that this year our Branch will be celebrating its 21st birthday. The success of this branch has been partly due to its friendly informality which, inter alia, has resulted in the the fact that there has never been a formal "annual general meeting" and election of office bearers. These matters were dealt with on an ad hoc basis by members who happened to be present at any particular meeting.

Financial matters, such as subscriptions etc., are in any case dealt with by the Society's head office in Johannesburg. This branch receives a capitation grant from which it has to defray local expenses, such as postage etc. Up to now the branch has fortunately not been faced with hire charges for a venue nor printing costs for the news-letter. Under these circumastances an "annual general meeting" might serve no real practical purpose, but members should at least have the periodical democratic right and opportunity to elect a chairman and secretary of their own choice. For this purpose a nomination slip is set out at the bottom of this sheet, which should be detached after completion and be posted to reach the address shown thereon before the August meeting on 10 August. Thereafter ballot slips will be sent out with the September news sheet.


JULY 13TH Our Chairman, CMDT 'SB' BOURQUIN, DWD, will give an illustrated talk on "MILITARY ENCOUNTERS IN PINET0WN", - a light-hearted walk down memory lane.

August 10th Fellow member Group Captain Rupert Taylor, OBE, will give a talk on problems and aspects of air and sea navigation.

September 21st To be announced. (Please note that this meeting will take place on the third Thursday in September.)

October 12th Lt Col Eric Evans Hill talk on "The Battle of Plassey" (Clive's victory, Bengal, India, 1757).

The venue for the above meetings will be the functions room on the first floor of the Westville North Library, 167 Blair Atholl Road. The Library building is on the corner of Blair Atholl and Iver Roads, at the robot-controlled intersection of BLAIR ATHOLL - IVER RD - DUNKELD RD. The entrance to the library parking area and building is from Iver Road. Commencement time will be 19h45 and friends and interested persons are welcome to come along. Please bring your own GLASS and bottled or canned refreshments.

REMINDER 'FIELD-DAY' in own cars on Sunday 2nd July.
See last news-letter for details.

Tania van der Watt
Secretary: Durban Branch
S.A. Military History Society
Box 870 Hillcrest 3650
Tel. 74mmmm

DETACH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

S.A. Military History Society - NOMINATION PAPER. July 1989

I state in good faith, that I am a member of the S.A. Military History Society, in good standing. I hereby nominate the following persons as office bearers for the ensuing two years :
as Chairman
...........................................................................................(please print)
as Secretary
(Members making a nomination need not identify themselves.)

N.B. Return completed slip to Mr Ken Gillings, 42 Broadway, WESTVILLE, 3630, before the date of the August meeting, i.e. 10th Aug 1989.

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