South African Military History Society

News-sheet No. 183. DURBAN BRANCH August 1989.


Although the theme of the talk presented by our own Chairman Cmdt 'SB' Bourquin, DWD, at the July meeting, "Military Encounters in Pinetown", might have sounded rather parochial, it was soon made clear that many of the persons involved in the early encounters in Pinetown received worldwide recognition in after years. Dealing briefly with Pinetown's origins and early development, using transparencies to contrast views of the thriving town of to-day with those of a century ago when massed tented camps encircled the sparsely inhabited village of yore, our speaker pointed out that, because of its spacious surroundings and healthy climate, Pinetown became an important military centre during the Zulu War (1879), the two Anglo-Boer Wars (1880/81 and 1899/1902) and the unsettled periods in between these Wars. Thus, Pinetown has been variously called the 'Cheltenham' and the 'Aldershot' of Natal. At one stage up to 6 000 troops were garrisoned here at the same time.

Many famous regiments were based here for various lengths of time such as the Connaught Rangers, 24th Regiment, 17th Lancers, 7th and 13th Hussars, 6th Inniskilling Dragoons, 60th Rifles and many others. With these regiments came many young, and not so young, officers, such as Col Sir Baker Russell, Capt Baden-Powell, Lt Allenby, Lord Chelmsford, Capt Pennefather, Lt Bromhead, Gen Sir Edward Strickland, Lt Col Redvers Buller, Col Evelyn Wood, Capt Joseph Malone V. C., Lt Henry Harford and Johannes Colenbrander. Thumbnail sketches indicated the rôle they played here and to what dizzy heights of fame and achievement some rose in later life. Touching was the story of Capt Malone, Riding Master, 6th Inniskillings, who lies buried in Pinetown. As a sergeant in the 13th Hussars he was one of the famous 600 who rode against the Russian guns at Ballaklava[sic] where he earned a Victoria Cross. A thought was also spared for the 400 South African horses which perished in that charge. Fascinating was the story of young Lt Edmund Allenby who once, while stationed in Pinetown, unsuccessfully entered his pet animal in a monkey race, then after much soldiering and commanding an expeditionary force against the Turks in Palestine emerged from WWI as Gen Sir Edmund Allenby, only to be promoted again and be raised to the peerage. As Field-Marshal Lord Allenby of Megiddo he was for many years High Commissioner for Egypt.

'SB' ended his spell-binding walk down memory lane, with a special tribute to Pinetown's own permanent unit, the Highway Commando, which under the leadership of Cmdt Neville Kearns has earned the freedom of entry from the three boroughs of New Germany, Westville and Pinetown. After a brief question-time Major Darrell Hall moved a warm vote of thanks to the speaker.

Worth mentioning is also the successful and highly enjoyable "field-day" on Sunday 2nd July. In perfect weather conditions, a convov of eleven cars visited Ultimatum Tree, Fort Pearson, Tugela battle site, Gingindlovu battlefield, and forts kwaMondi and Nongqayi at Eshowe. Commentary, supported by excellent maps and photographs, was supplied by 'SB' Bourquin and Ken Gillings, with some valuable contributions coming from Darrell Hall.



September 21st         PLEASE NOTE that this meeting will take place on the THIRD Thursday in September.
Mr Mark Coughlan will give a talk entitled "Tales from the Fred Clarke Collection". Members will recall that former M.E.C. Dr Clarke gave us a talk on "The Grenadiers" in February 1985, and in that connection brought a number of foreign helmets and exquisitely tailored uniforms etc. These are now housed with the N.P.A. museum services. The talk will illustrate and deal with a number of items from this collection.

October 12th          Lt Col Eric Evans will lecture on "The Battle of Plassey" (Clive's victory, Bengal, India, 1757).

November 9th          Evening outing to be announced.

December          In recess.

The venue for the above meetings will be the functions room on the first floor of the WESTVILLE NORTH LIBRARY, 167 Blair Atholl Road. The Library building is on the corner of Blair Atholl and Iver Roads, at the robot-controlled intersection of BLAIR ATHOLL - IVER - DUNKELD ROADS. The entrance to the library parking area and building is from Iver Rd. Commencement time will be 7.45 p.m. and friends and interested persons are welome to come along.
PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN GLASS and bottled or canned refreshments. ICE WILL BE SUPPLIED.

THE EDGEWOOD CRAFT VILLAGE at the Edgewood Teachers' Training College in Mariannhill Road, Pinetown, is staging an exhibition and open night from 7 to 9.30 p.m. on THURSDAY 24TH AUGUST. Donation: Adults R1, Children 50c. Eats and drinks on sale.
See the old craft tools as well as the old crafts of yesteryear in action.

Tania van der Watt
Secretary: Durban Branch
S.A. Military History Society
Box 870 Hillcrest 3650
Tel. 74mmmm

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