In spite of the efforts of a colour blind flag spotter and abacus wielding scorer, the Society's members acquitted themselves admirably at the Quiz Evening held on l3th December. Particularly in the case of the musical questions, many members were noted to be in fine voice and will shortly be enlisted for the Society's latest album of Barrackroom Ballads.
Dr. Felix Machanik thanked the Chairman for the extremely enjoyable evening and the great amount of work that had obviously been involved in preparing the numerous and superb slides and recordings.
Nick Kinsey has compiled the following lecture programme for the New Year
January, 10th Dr. Stanley Monick "The Rush to Relieve Gordon, 1884/85"
February, 14th Mr Ken G Gillings - "A Helpmekaar Duel"
March, 14th Cmdt O.E.F. Baker - "Some Unusual Experiences of South African P.O.W.'s in World War II"
April, 11th Annual General Meeting and Film Show
May, 9th Mr. H.W. Kinsey - "The Brandwater Basin and Golden Gate Surrenders, 1900"
June, 13th Major O. Sheil-Small, MC - "Green Shadows (Gurkhas)"
July, 11th Major D.D. Hall - "Above the Trenches"
August, 8th Mr. Stewart I Stiles - "The Wars of the Roses"
September, 12th Mr. C.M. Milner - "The B.E.F. in France, 1940"
Christmas Day, 1900 - Ladysmith
Long Tom fired numerous shells into Ladysmith on Christmas Day. One unexploded shell, when dug up, was found to contain a Christmas pudding wrapped in a Union Jack, and a note: "The compliments of the season".
The Committee of the Military History Society would like to take this opportunity of wishing all members everything of the best for Christmas and 1985.
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