South African Military History Society


March 1983

The next two meetings take place as indicated below at 8.15 p.m.
in the Du Toit Room of the ATHENAEUM, 154 CAMPGROUND ROAD, NEWLANDS.

THURSDAY 10 MARCH: Illustrated talk by Major M.J. Mitchell on his World War Two experiences as a S.A.A.F. pilot in South Africa, the Western Desert and overseas.

THURSDAY 14 APRIL: Annual General Meeting followed by two documentary films, "Verdun", the tale of the legendary World War One battle, and "Night of the Dragon", dealing with the Vietnam War.

A separate notice in respect of the A.G.M. will be issued to members in due course. (Films by courtesy of the Provincial Library Service via Cape Town City Libraries).


12 MAY: Illustrated talk by Mr. Dan Sleigh on "The Dutch East India Company on Land and at Sea".


n Southdown Court
1st Avenue, KENILWORTH 7700
Tel.: 61-nnnn After Hours
Alternatively, Ring Mr. Garschagen, Hon. Secretary, at 72-nnnn.

PAUL LANGE, CAeSSA VICE-CHAIRMAN (In charge of public relations and publicity)

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