The next two meetings take place as indicated below at 8.15 p.m. in the Du Toit Room of the ATHENAEUM, 154 CAMPGROUND ROAD, NEWLANDS.
THURSDAY 13 JANUARY 1983: "BURMA VICTORY", a documentary film on the Burma campaign of 1942 to 1945 (by courtesy of the Provincial Library Service via City Libraries).
THURSDAY 10 FEBRUARY: Illustrated talk by Mr. Johan Louw on THE BATTLE OF CORONEL (1st November 1914), the first high-seas battle between surface vessels for close on a century, and the subsequent BATTLE OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS (8th December 1914) which revenged the British defeat.
10 MARCH: Illustrated talk by Major M.J. Mitchell on his World War Two experiences as a S.A.A.F. pilot in South Africa, the Western Desert and overseas.
14 APRIL: Annual General Meeting followed by a documentary film "Desert Victory", dealing with the war in the desert in the early part of World War Two.
12 MAY: Illustrated talk by Mr. Dan Sleigh on "The Dutch East India Company on Land and at Sea".
9 Southdown Court
1st Avenue, KENILWORTH 7700
Tel.: 61-7441 After Hours
Alternatively, Ring Mr. Garschagen, Hon. Secretary, at 72-6854.
PAUL LANGE, CAeSSA VICE-CHAIRMAN (In charge of public relations and publicity)
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