Newsletter No. 549
June 2024
The KZN Branch of SAMHS meeting will be the Ken Gillings Memorial Lecture,
KEN GILLINGS 1947-2016
This is a combined meeting with the SA National Society who are responsible for the organisation and catering.
Date: 17th August 2024,
Time (MORNING) 9.30am for 10.00am
Venue: Our usual venue at St Cyprian's Church Hall
SPEAKER: Fellow member, Professor Andre Wessels, Senior Professor (Emeritus) and Research Fellow, Department of History, University of the Free State, who has often attended our meetings when he is visiting Durban.Andre is a renowned historian and an excellent speaker.
Prof Wessels
To commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 the topic is “Commemorating a bloody war: Looking back (and ahead) on the eve of the 125-year anniversary of the Anglo-Boer War of 1899 to 1902.”
It is fit and proper that there is a commemoration of the Anglo-Boer War of 1899 to 1902. It is, after all, not possible to understand the history of twentieth-century South Africa, if one does not have an understanding of the consequences that the war of 1899 to 1902 had for all South Africans. But how should a terrible conflict like the Anglo-Boer War be commemorated? To shed light on this and related matters, this lecture will in the first instance look back at the Anglo-Boer War centennial of the years 1999 to 2002; inter alia referring to the role played by the late Ken Gillings. What can be learnt from that centennial? What has changed since then? Other matters that will also be addressed in this lecture include the importance of preserving Anglo-Boer War (and other) historical structures (for example monuments) and sites; the importance of museums; how and why trans-generational trauma with regard to the war of 1899 to 1902 (as well as other conflicts) continue to haunt our society – and how the commemoration of the war might play a role in healing our people(s).
For catering purposes (Tea/coffee and snacks),there is a nominal charge reduced for members.
SANS; SAMHS; GUNNERS Members: R30.00, Visitors: R50.00
Refreshments will be served afterwards and a Cash Bar is available.
Parking and a car guard will be available as usual.
Those attending should RSVP to by 15th AUGUST 2024.
Looking forward to a good turnout from SAMHS!
P R Everitt
Chair KZN Branch SAMHS
Cell/WhatsApp 084 437 1636
July Meeting Report:
Our July talks included the DDH talk by Roy Bowman titled "The Bridges" which detailed a virtually suicidal mission in the early stages of the war in Europe. This was carried out by volunteers, of 12 Squadron RAF, flying basically obsolete Fairey Battle aircraft with a mission to bomb bridges over the Albert Canal in Belgium,and impede the advancing German army. The result could not have been more tragic: four bombers were shot down, the fifth barely made it back and two crews (six highly experienced men) were killed and others taken prisoner. Although the bridge was hit twice, the damage was minimal.
The Raffle was held at interval.
The Main Talk was by fellow committee member Donald Davies on his research regarding an uncle who served on the ship. HMS Birmingham was a Southampton class cruiser and served in all theatres during the war.
Both talks were supported by excellent Power Point visuals.
Unfortunately, the date meant we were competing with the Durban July, Boks Rugby, and other events and the meeting was poorly attended by only 13 people which included visitors.
SAMHS Meeting September 2024
It is anticipated that this will be held as usual on Saturday, 14th September, 2024 at 1.30 for 2.00pm at St Cyprian’s Church Hall, but some details are under discussion with the potential speaker and full details will be announced later.
REMINDER of other events:
For the “Scottish hearted”.
Please also see details of the
2024 Annual Military Spring Ball on 20th September which follow
That’s all for now folks, see you at the meeting onSaturdayMORNING!Please spread the news of the events and encourage others to come along.
P R Everitt
Chair KZN Branch SAMHS
Cell/WhatsApp 0844371636
South African Military History Society /