Newsletter No. 517
May 2019
The outgoing chairman, Charles Whiteing, opened the meeting at 19h30 and requested the Chairman for the Annual General Meeting, Lt. Colonel Tex Westgate, to step forward and get the AGM started.
The AGM was held and are dealt with in separate minutes which are attached.
The Chairman and the committee were re-elected en block and are listed below:
Chairman: | Charles Whiteing |
Vice Chairman: | Prof. Philip Everitt |
Secretary: | Lt. Col.(Ret.) Dr. Graeme Fuller |
Treasurer: | Donald Davies |
Media, Nominal Roll: | Roy Bowman |
Register: | Ulrich Duebi |
Raffle organiser: | Dr. John Cooke |
Raffle organiser: | Dr John Buchan |
With the AGM out of the way the re-elected Chairman announced the speaker for the DDH, Steve Herbert to talk about his experiences at Sidi Rezegh and afterwards when he was captured at Tobruk and his experiences through the POW camps.
Steve unfortunately had to leave immediately after his talk and a VOT was given by Roy Bowman after which he was presented with a momento of the occasion.
After the interesting question and answer session there was a short break where the audio visual system was setup for the next speaker Carl Mouton who was introduced by the Chairman, his subject "First In, Last out A. Mouton".
After this very interesting presentation Roy Bowman was called on to give the VOT to Carl and also present him with a memento to remember us by.
Charles Whiting announced the subjects for the May meeting and wished all well and a safe trip home.
1.0 Our April 11th meeting was also our AGM and the committee was returned for the 2019 year.
Your Committee members are as listed above.
There is a need to replace Maj. Gen. Chris Le Roux who has emigrated to Australia. The Committee is looking for a hard working member to replace the General.
2.0 Roy Bowman represented SAMHS at the opening of the Natal Mounted Rifles Museum and the release of their website on 9th April 2019. The museum is well worth a visit.
Preparations are well in hand for the 2019 KGM Tour which will take you to some of the military sites in and around Durban over the week-end of 4th / 5th May 2019.
Please contact Roy Bowman for further information or if you would like to put your name down for this tour.
Cheerio until next time
South African Military History Society /