South African Military 
History Society


Newsletter No. 507
May 2018

PLEASE NOTE: The contents of and documents attached to this newsletter, do not necessarily reflect the views of, or endorsement by the South African Military History Society, the KwaZulu-Natal Branch of the Society, or the Scribe. They have been circulated in good faith, in the belief that they may be of interest to some members.

Fellow Members and Friends of the KwaZulu-Natal Branch of the South African Military History Society.

Please note attachments: May Newsletter SAMHS Cape Town, Main Talk on Allenby by Robin Smith and a documentary on the Bridge on the River Kwai.

General Chris le Roux addressed and updated the meeting regarding arrangements for the Ken Gilling`s Memorial Battlefield Tour scheduled for the weekend of 18/19 August 2018.

Due to excessive accommodation costs it has been decided to do the Spionkop visit on the Saturday, leaving the option open for members to return home thereafter.

Those who wish to stay over will visit the site of Churchill`s capture at Chievely the following day.

It was announced that the 50th Anniversary of the SAMHS Kzn will take place on Sunday the 23rd or the 30th September at a venue to be advised with the format being that of a buffet lunch.

Our DDH talk was by fellow committee member Donald Davies titled “Unkomaas Kittyhawk Crash 1944 – Myths and Facts”.

Notes from Donald Davies follow:

The Main Talk titled “Allenby`s Campaign in the Holy Land 1917-1918” was given by fellow member Robin Smith.

For details of the talk please see the National / Johannesburg newsletter for May 2018 - this is accessed on the newsletter archive on the website at

The Vote of Thanks to the two speakers was delivered by fellow committee member Dr John Buchan

Our next meeting will be held at The Murray Theatre, Civil Engineering Building, Howard College Campus of UKZN on 14th June 2018.

The speakers will be Committee Member Prof. Philip Everitt who will tell us about "SCIENCE COMES TO THE MILITARY".

The Main Talk will be presented by Richard Brook - Hart and is entitled " ONE MAN'S EXPERIENCE WITH PHANTOM".

Once again a brilliant pair of talks to look forward to.

Charles Whiteing
KZN Branch

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The Hero Around the Corner

Ladies and Gentlemen Aviators

It has been 75 years since the night of the Dambusters Raid. I doubt that many people here in the Glebe have even heard about the raid let alone the anniversary. Yet, the Dambusters Raid is as much a part of this neighbourhood's history as it is of the Second World War. Follow this link to learn more.

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Please contact the website - details below - for details of the
Sunday, 27th May 2018
116th Anniversary of the signing of the Vereeniging Peace Accords

Boer War Memorial Society of WA Inc | Reg No 1018354K | PO Box 3599 Success, WA 6964
Web: | Email: | Mobile: 0418448933

Photographs could not be included in this newsletter for technical reasons - web-site scribe.

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